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Autres Publications
- La spectroscopie térahertz : analyses structurales et de conduction
R. Peretti
L'actualité Chimique, Société de Chimie Française, 2024, september (497), 67-68 - A new metric for the comparison of permittivity models in terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
M. Lavancier, N. Vindas-Yassine, J. Vlieghe, T. Hannotte, J-F. Lampin, F. Orieux & R. Peretti
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 2024 14 (5), 725 - 733 Preprint
- La spectroscopie TéraHertz: électrons et vibrations
S. Houver, S. Barois, P. Roy, & R. Peretti
Photoniques, EDP Sciences, 2023, 36-41 10.1051/photon/202312136 Preprint
- Imaging of THz photonic modes by scattering scanning near-field optical microscopy
L. Thomas, T. Hannotte, C. N Santos, B. Walter, M. Lavancier, S. Eliet, M. Faucher, J-F. Lampin & R. Peretti
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2022, 14, 28, 32608–32617 10.1021/acsami.2c01871 Preprint
- SOI-based micro-mechanical terahertz detector operating at room-temperature and atmospheric pressure
K. Froberger, B. Walter, M. Lavancier, R. Peretti, G. Ducournau, J-F. Lampin, M. Faucher & S. Barbieri
Appl. Phys. Lett. 2022, 120, 261103 10.1063/5.0095126 Preprint
- Exceptional point singularities in multi-section DFB lasers
M. Shahmohammadi, M.J. Süess, R. Peretti, F Kapsalidis, A Forrer, M. Beck & J. Faist
New J. Phys. 2022, 24 053047 10.1088/1367-2630/ac6d6f
- On the influence of water on THz vibrational spectral features of molecular crystals
S. Mitryukovskiy, D.E.P. Vanpoucke, Y. Bai, T Hannotte, M Lavancier, D. Hourlier, G. Roos & R. Peretti
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2022 24 (10), 6107-6125
- THz radiation confinement using metallic micro-resonators, for spectroscopy and manipulation of single nanometric samples
T. Hannotte
Doctoral thesis delivered by Université de Lille;
- Broadband super-resolution Terahertz Time domain spectroscopy applied to Gas analysis
S. Eliet, A. Cuisset, F. Hindle, J-F. Lampin, R. Peretti
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 2021 12 (1), 75 - 80 10.1109/TTHZ.2021.3120029 Preprint
- Rapid prototyping of flexible terahertz metasurfaces using a microplotter
A. Salmon, M. Lavancier, C. Brulon, L. Coudrat, B. Fix, G. Ducournau, R. Peretti, P. Bouchon
Optics Express 2021 29 (6), 8617-8625 10.1364/OE.416228
- Heuristic approach to take up the challenge of terahertz time-domain spectroscopy for biology
M. Lavancier
Doctoral thesis delivered by Université de Lille;